Wednesday 28 November 2012

Day 5 - Drive and trek to Topes de Collantes

This morning we start with a short drive before starting a four hour trek (approx 8km) up through an unspoilt land of forest, water eroded valleys, rushing waterfalls and underground rivers.

 There is pine forest and paths bordered by mahogany and hibiscus. You may see Humming birds flash past, darting from flower to flower searching for nectar.

Further on we reach La Batata, a cave through which an underground river gurgles, gently carving out rock
pools. The water rarely exceeds 20°C so the swimming is exhilarating here!

We trek on until we reach an isolated, century old hacienda set in a lush valley where we have lunch.

In the afternoon our local guide takes us on a circular interpretative trail, discussing the orchids and medicinal plants we find en route. At La Cueva del Altar we walk through a cavern, emerging on the other side of the hill to beautiful views of the Caribbean (approx 1.5km).

Later we have supper – enjoying wonderful Cuban hospitality, and settle down for the night.