Friday 30 November 2012

Day 7 - Drive to Camaguey

After a short truck drive to the entrance, we rejoin our bus and leaving the Escambray Mountains behind we stop at the Valle de los Ingenios (valley of sugar mills) and the Manacas Iznaga Tower.

The 45 metre (147 ft) tower was constructed in 1816. According to experts, the bell that formerly hung on top of the tower announced the beginning and the end of the work day for the slaves and was also used to sound an alarm in case of fire or slave escape.

Later we visit Sancti Spiritus for lunch, one of the original seven settlements founded by Diego Velasquez when he claimed Cuba for Spain, and visit the local market.

We then continue on a long drive across the flattest province in Cuba – Ciego de Avila.The Llanura de Jucaro Moron (plain) is mostly used for agriculture, predominantly cattle ranching, sugar growing, citrus fruit production. Our journey continues up into the hills of the Sierra de Cubitas where beef and dairy cattle roam.

 We reach the provincial capital of Camaguey in the late afternoon.

Thursday 29 November 2012

Day 6 - In Topes de Collantes

A short bus trip up a steep, switch-back road leads us into the lushly vegetated Escambray Mountains.
From the entance we have a short truck drive to where we start our 8km trek.

This takes us into a valley cut deep by the Guayanara River. Along this section of the route good views unfold over Embalse Habanabanilla – Cuba’s highest lake.

We may stop along the way to see coffee growing and talk to some of the locals.

After about 4 hours walk we arrive at our hacienda, set in a rocky valley.

The afternoon is free – however we recommend the 5 km round trip (approx 3hrs) to the Salto de Rocio
waterfall, in an area flush with trogons, hummingbirds and woodpeckers.

We follow a river-side track beside which 7 species of tree fern, bromeliads, and orchids grow. On arrival, adventurous swimmers can enjoy waterfalls and pools, while others may choose to relax on the banks.

The accommodation at the haciendas is simple, with foam mattresses provided for sleeping out on the verandahs under overhanging eves. The peace and quiet of the night with its canopy of stars should ensure a good night’s sleep! Tents may be available.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Day 5 - Drive and trek to Topes de Collantes

This morning we start with a short drive before starting a four hour trek (approx 8km) up through an unspoilt land of forest, water eroded valleys, rushing waterfalls and underground rivers.

 There is pine forest and paths bordered by mahogany and hibiscus. You may see Humming birds flash past, darting from flower to flower searching for nectar.

Further on we reach La Batata, a cave through which an underground river gurgles, gently carving out rock
pools. The water rarely exceeds 20°C so the swimming is exhilarating here!

We trek on until we reach an isolated, century old hacienda set in a lush valley where we have lunch.

In the afternoon our local guide takes us on a circular interpretative trail, discussing the orchids and medicinal plants we find en route. At La Cueva del Altar we walk through a cavern, emerging on the other side of the hill to beautiful views of the Caribbean (approx 1.5km).

Later we have supper – enjoying wonderful Cuban hospitality, and settle down for the night.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Day 4 - In Trinidad

This morning we wander through the old centre of Trinidad, visiting one of the many interesting museums which reflect Trinidad’s varied history.

In the early 19th century French settlers, fleeing a slave revolt in Haiti, landed and started to grow sugar cane in the Valle de Los Ingenios. This crop generated considerable wealth and consequently the town had to be regularly defended from pirates.

The afternoon is free to simply relax on nearby Playa Ancon, or continue to wander through Trinidad’s lovely colonial streets: a paradise for photographers.

Monday 26 November 2012

Day 3 - Bus to Trinidad via Bay of Pigs

Today we head east across Cuba, we drive through giant citrus and sugar plantations and out onto the Zapata Peninsula.

Further on ‘cenotes’ or pools created by the ceiling collapse of the underground rivers dot the landscape and provide wonderful swimming opportunities.

Later we visit Playa Giron and the nearby museum dedicated to the infamous ‘Bay of Pigs’ invasion, where a US supported attack by Cuban exiles failed to overthrow the Communist regime.

Our journey then skirts the edge of the wooded scambray mountains, hugging the coastline with views over the sparkling turquoise waters and arrive to our base, just outside of the beautiful Spanish colonial town of Trinidad.

Sunday 25 November 2012

Day 2 - In Havana

Modern day Havana is a mixture of restored and crumbling architectural marvels. Our morning tour explores the city, driving past art-deco style buildings along the coastal Malecon and through the Vedado and Miramar suburbs where the kids play baseball below rusting, street lights with 50s American cadillacs cruise past.

On foot we investigate the Vieja (Old) district with its beautiful neoclassical buildings at the Plaza de Armas and the baroque Cathedral.

During your free afternoon you can visit the City Museum or the fascinating Museum of the Revolution. Cool breezes blowing in from the Caribbean freshen lively sunset strolls along the Malecon.

Saturday 24 November 2012

Day 1 Join tour Havana

I've created this blog of my holiday to Cuba by combining my photos with the supplied tour itinerary.

Arrive Havana, the capital of Cuba, and check-in at our hotel. Built around a deep natural
harbour, Havana is one of the most impressive surviving colonial cities in the Americas.